Smather's and Branson Back to Back National Championship Belt
Sizing Information
To find the most accurate S&B belt size, please click here for measuring instructions. Please do not go off of other company's belt sizes as they often measure their belts differently.
The simplest way to determine a S&B belt size is to add 2 inches to a men's pant waist size. If the recipient is an odd pant size (33, 35 etc.), add 3 inches to the pant size to obtain the correct belt size. If they wear multiple pant sizes, use the largest size to calculate the correct belt size. This formula works best for chino style pants.
If the recipient typically wears designer denim or low rise pants, you may need to add 3-4 inches to the men's pant waist size. If that is the case, we encourage you to review our measuring instructions to find the correct belt size.